The Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce (UJK) is one of the 18 classic state universities in Poland. It is a fast developing institution with a solid position in the country and is the largest in the voivodeship.

From the academic year 2023/2024, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce will offer doctoral education in the Doctoral School in five disciplinary sections encompassing seventeen scientific disciplines:

Section of Humanities:

Discipline: History

Discipline: Linguistics

Discipline: Literary Studies

Section of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences:

Discipline: Medical Sciences

Discipline: Health Sciences

Section of Social Sciences:

Discipline: Pedagogy

Discipline: Social Communication and Media Studies

Discipline: Management and Quality Sciences

Discipline: Political and Administrative Sciences

Discipline: Legal Sciences

Discipline: Security Sciences

Section of Exact and Natural Sciences:

Discipline: Biological Sciences

Discipline: Chemical Sciences

Discipline: Physical Sciences

Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences

Section of Arts:

Discipline: Music Arts

Discipline: Fine Arts and Art Conservation

The priorities of the Doctoral School include highly specialized education of young scientists, providing PhD students with social skills and competences allowing them to conduct independent scientific research and disseminate their results. The education of doctoral students lasts four years, it takes place in the form of courses in Polish and English.

It is taught in the form of general subjects for all PhD students, specialized subjects dedicated to individual sections and specialized disciplinary subjects which are optional, including those outside of a given discipline. The education program includes didactic practices and an obligatory scientific internship.

Our PhD students participate in scientific projects financed through the polish National Science Centre (NCN), the National Centre for Research and Development, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as European funds. Presently, a prestigious NCN Maestro grant is realized in physics, led by Prof. M Gaździcki (leader of the NA61 experiment at CERN), which deals with critical structures of the strong interactions and is carried out in collaboration with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. Moreover, in biology a project dealing with the role of gasdermin as a potential permeabilizing factor bacterial outer cell membranes is currently ongoing.

All doctoral students at the Doctoral School receive university scholarships.