Documentation of mid-term evaluation


The English translations reflect the content of the Polish documents; however, all forms for the Doctoral School at Jan Kochanowski University must be completed in Polish.


The mid-term report should be submitted to the Director of the Doctoral School, in both paper and electronic form, along with the documents listed as attachments in the report template, namely:

1. List of publications with full bibliographic details, including ISBN, ISSN, DOI numbers (documented by photocopies/scans of scientific articles, monographs, chapters in monographs, or publisher confirmations of accepted publications).
2. List of conferences and poster sessions (documented by conference information from the website, confirmation of active participation).
3. Confirmation of internship completion.
4. Confirmation of participation in organizing a scientific conference.
5. Confirmation of submission of a research funding application to an external institution or agreement number for the grant, or a portfolio containing the publication of artistic activities.
6. Confirmation of receiving research funds from the University.
7. Confirmation of participation in scientific or artistic projects.
8. Description of research queries.
9. Photocopies of documents confirming the acquisition of competencies, e.g., certificates, participation in training/courses.
10. List of other activities.
11. Multimedia presentation containing the plan of the doctoral dissertation, discussion of research issues, and research methods.
12. Annex No. 3: PDF file with the presentation.
13. Annex No. 1: Mid-term report, Resolution 31.2023. (PL)/Resolution No. 31-2023 Attachment No. 5 to the Regulations (ENG)


Documents in paper form (printed on both sides, bound in a soft cover) and electronic form (in one PDF file) should be submitted in the following order:

1. Title page with PhD student data.
2. Mid-term report.
3. Printout of the multimedia presentation.
4. List of publications.
5. List of scientific activities:
– Conferences,
– Poster sessions,
– Internships,
– Conference organization,
– Research projects (research funding applications to external institutions or portfolio containing the publication of artistic activities; research funds from the University),
– Research queries,
– Courses, training,
– Others.
6. Description of artistic activities along with the list of activities.
7. Confirmations of organizational activities or the academic community and science popularization.
8. Annex No. 3: PDF file with the presentation.

Documents must be submitted by the deadline specified in the Mid-term Evaluation Schedule to the Doctoral School Office at Żeromskiego 5 in Kielce, room 307.

The electronic medium containing the documentation is returned to the PhD student, and its copies are permanently deleted after the PhD student receives a positive mid-term evaluation result or after the decision to remove them from the list of doctoral students becomes final in the case of a negative evaluation result.