The Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024 at the Doctoral School of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.

The Doctoral School of Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce solemnly inaugurated the academic year 2023/2024.

Education commenced for 29 doctoral students.

In connection with the inclusion of new disciplines in the Doctoral School, including the establishment of a new Arts Section, the ceremony was graced by a piano concert titled “Musical Postcard from Hollywood – Musical Suite from the film Mutiny on the Bounty,” performed by Professor Andrzej Ślązak.

Additionally, the first graduate of the Doctoral School, Dr. Tomasz Sikorski, received his doctoral diploma in the field of health sciences.

The Director of the Doctoral School presented diplomas for contributions to the social responsibility of science to distinguished doctoral students. Among the honored were:

  • Ms. Kamila Fortunka (Collegium Medicum)
  • Mr. Grzegorz Witkowski (Collegium Medicum)
  • Ms. Wiktoria Krakowiak (Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences)
  • Ms. Anita Jagun (Faculty of Humanities)
  • Ms. Monika Żelazna (Faculty of Humanities)
  • Mr. Kamil Kiełek (Faculty of Law and Social Sciences)
  • Ms. Magdalena Łukawska-Malicka (Faculty of Law and Social Sciences)
  • Ms. Kinga Mozgiel-Wiecha (Faculty of Law and Social Sciences)



The inauguration album is available here: Link to the inauguration album on Facebook