Knowledge is Power/Wiedza to Potęga


Knowledge is Power

The project “Knowledge is Power” is being implemented by the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce as part of the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 program (FERS), co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus (EFS+) under the funding agreement no. FERS.01.05-IP.08-0154/23 concluded with the National Center for Research and Development.

Project title: “Knowledge is Power” with the number FERS.01.05-IP.08-0154/23

The aim of the project is to support the enhancement of competencies/qualifications of the teaching staff and doctoral candidates at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce from January 1, 2024, to November 30, 2029. Adequate academic and pedagogical preparation of the staff involved in the education process, including doctoral candidates as future teaching staff, is essential for ensuring high-quality education in higher education systems. The dynamically changing environment and the competitive activity of the University require the teaching staff to continuously improve and enhance their competencies. The outcome of the project will be the improvement and ADAPTATION OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM AT UJK TO THE NEEDS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AS WELL AS THE GREEN AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. The development of the staff’s competencies is a response to economic needs that will focus on supporting the idea of lifelong learning and aligning with employers’ expectations. Preparing the staff is of significant importance in terms of competing for students and indicates the attractiveness of UJK. The University is not being liquidated, has not applied to the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) for permission to liquidate, and MEiN has not issued any information regarding the suspension of the University’s rights to conduct studies. The University also holds the rights to run a doctoral school. The project responds to the needs of the academic community at UJK in terms of comprehensive support, which is why the beneficiary has planned academic and pedagogical support for the staff involved in the education process (Teaching Staff) and (Doctoral Candidates) as future educators in the form of enhancing their competencies or qualifications. As part of the project, the applicant has planned the following tasks in the areas of academic and pedagogical support:

Planned Support Activities

Task 1: Enhancement of Competencies or Qualifications of the Teaching Staff

The aim of the task is to improve the competencies of the teaching staff at UJK (regardless of employment form) by enhancing their teaching qualifications and competencies (using modern teaching methods and educational methodologies), digital competencies (through training provided by external companies on the use of scientific databases), and in support of the green transformation (through training on innovation via the circular economy). The support will cover 100 individuals (55F/45M) (about 10% of the current UJK staff). As part of the improvement of management models, it is necessary to support the development of teaching staff competencies, which results from the need to modernize teaching methods and promote contemporary teaching practices in order to keep up with the demands of the modern world and labor market, as well as needs indicated by the RESPONDENTS, and aligned with the Strategy and Mission of UJK. The need is to improve staff competencies, including teaching, digital, and green transformation competencies, as well as to strengthen educational development. The result will be an increase in knowledge, skills, qualifications, and experience in international collaboration. The planned activities will be conducted to enhance competencies or qualifications through various types of support:

Mandatory training conducted by external institutions

Each project participant will attend training related to the following areas:

  • Training on awareness and skills for the green transformation (Green Comp)
  • Training to enhance digital competencies

Each of the trainings will have 10 editions, carried out for newly recruited participants. Training may take place using distance learning methods and techniques. Completing the training on green transformation and digitalization will be the first stage of support. The next stage in enhancing teaching staff competencies will be mandatory participation in an internship or a study visit (domestic or abroad) and, optionally, industry-specific training:

2. Teaching and research internship: at least 14 days at an academic center, domestic or abroad (European countries) (50 project participants)

3. Study visit: up to 14 days at an academic center/educational institution, domestic or abroad (European countries) (50 participants)

The choice of the form of support (internship or study visit) will depend on the teaching schedule with students to avoid disrupting the functioning of the University.

4. Industry-specific training for Teaching Staff (50 domestic training courses, 25 foreign training courses)

The result of the task will be the strengthening and enhancement of the competencies and qualifications of the teaching staff in terms of teaching, digital competencies, and support for the green transformation. The recruitment process will adhere to the principle of equal opportunities, including gender equality. It will be based on a system regulated by the rules of admission and participation in the project, ensuring access to the Internet for individuals who do not have it, including persons with disabilities, in line with the equality policy. UJK will ensure access to computers and the Internet. The continuity of the results of the project will be sustained for the teaching staff in the following years of the project, as teachers, as practitioners, will apply the acquired qualifications and competencies in their work with students. The activities planned in the task will ensure access to the project for all individuals, regardless of gender, age, disability, race, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or worldview.


Task 2: Enhancement of Competencies or Qualifications of Doctoral Candidates


The participants in the support will be doctoral candidates (51 individuals: 28F/23M), who, at the time of recruitment, will have completed the first year of the Doctoral School (with an approved Individual Research Plan). Recruitment will take place through a competitive process in three editions, with 17 participants each. The need is to enhance teaching competencies and strengthen the development of teaching and scientific research skills. The result will be the improvement of knowledge, skills, and qualifications of doctoral candidates related to their future teaching and scientific activities. The planned activities will aim to improve competencies or qualifications through various types of support:


  1. Mandatory training/workshops conducted by specialists from Polish research centers for each doctoral candidate. Each project participant will attend 3 training/workshops aimed at enhancing competencies in the following areas:


  • Green transformation: 4 hours of training focused on raising awareness and skills for green transformation (GreenComp)
  • Digital competencies: 4 hours of training to enhance digital competencies
  • Teaching competencies: 4 hours of training on modern teaching methods

Each training will have 3 editions, conducted for newly recruited doctoral candidates.


The trainings may be conducted using distance learning methods and techniques.


2. Mandatory teaching and research internship: at least 14 days at an academic center, domestic or abroad (European countries). The form of realization: teaching tasks (participation in various forms of teaching activities) and research tasks (literature reviews, laboratory work).


3. Optional forms of support: Each project participant may take part in up to 3 activities directly related to their current or future teaching or teaching-research activities:


a. Training/courses organized by external institutions (invoices), enhancing teaching-scientific competencies, digital competencies, or competencies for green transformation, based on the participant’s individual choice.

b. Participation in national and international conferences to enhance teaching, digital, or green transformation competencies.

c. Summer/winter schools (domestic or abroad) enhancing teaching, digital, or green transformation competencies.


The recruitment process will follow the principle of equal opportunities, including gender equality. It will be based on a system implemented through recruitment regulations and participation in the project for individuals without internet access, including persons with disabilities, in line with the equality policy. UJK will ensure access to computers and the internet.


The sustainability of the project outcomes will be maintained by continuing the planned forms of support for doctoral candidates in the subsequent years after the project’s implementation. As future educators, doctoral candidates will use the knowledge gained through the project in their teaching activities in the years to come.


Project Results:

Output Indicators:

The number of higher education and science institutions receiving support to adapt education to the needs of economic development, as well as green and digital transformation.

  • The number of academic staff receiving support in acquiring and developing competencies or qualifications.
    Target value – women: 55, Target value – men: 45, Target value – total: 100
  • The number of doctoral candidates receiving support in acquiring and developing competencies or qualifications.
    Target value – women: 28, Target value – men: 23, Target value – total: 51
  • The number of projects in which costs for reasonable adjustments for people with disabilities were financed.
  • The number of facilities adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

Result Indicators:

  • The number of higher education and science institutions that have adapted education to the needs of economic development, as well as green and digital transformation.
  • The number of individuals participating in higher education who have acquired competencies or qualifications thanks to EFS+ support.
    Target value – women: 70, Target value – men: 58, Target value – total: 128

As part of the tasks, it is planned that all participants will improve digital competencies, competencies for green transformation, and teaching competencies (including modern teaching methods and educational methodologies) through participation in: courses/training/internships (domestic and international)/study visits/conferences (domestic and international), summer/winter schools (domestic and international), and other forms of knowledge and experience exchange (KD3). The need to enhance the competencies of teachers and train doctoral candidates also stems from the mission and strategy of UJK, as adopted by the Senate Resolution No. 1/2021 on January 28, 2021  which is included in the strategic objective: ensuring high-quality education and building an attractive educational offer, Task 2.4 Enhancing competencies of academic teachers, and Task 2.7 Education in the Doctoral School.

The total eligible expenditure of the project amounts to PLN 4,004,127.50.

The total amount of funding from European Union funds is PLN 3,304,206.01.

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