The award ceremony for the Prodomus competition within the framework of the VI Doctoral Forum.

On June 30, 2023, the award ceremony for the laureates of the Prodomus competition within the framework of the VI Doctoral Forum took place in the Portrait Hall of the Rectorate of Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce.

In each discipline, a Scientific Committee was formed, which selected the winners of the Prodomus Award from the Rector of Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce. This year, the following Phd Students received awards and distinctions:

Discipline: Security Studies Winner: Kamil Kiełek

Discipline: Physical Sciences Winner: Syed Uzair Ahmed Shah Honorable Mention: Soheilbeigi Bazgir Ali

Discipline: Linguistics Studies Winners: Anastassiya Starodubtseva and Anita Jagun Honorable Mention: Katarzyna Niezręcka

Discipline: Literary Studies Winner: Aleksandra Kobiałka Honorable Mention: Mariusz Heliński

Discipline: Health Sciences Winner: Agata Lesiak

Discipline: Medical Sciences Winner: Anna Dziuba

Discipline: Biological Sciences Winner: Magdalena Lasak Honorable Mention: Karolina Lach

Discipline: History Winner: Damian Kozłowski Honorable Mention: Paweł Pryt

Discipline: Chemical Sciences Winner: Agnieszka Sołtys

Discipline: Legal Sciences Winner: Kinga Mozgiel-Wiecha

Discipline: Political and Administrative Sciences Winner: Sahil Mammadov

In addition to the doctoral candidates, the following authorities honored the ceremony with their presence:

  • Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Gałuszka, Vice-Rector for Research
  • Prof. dr hab. Francesco Giacosa, Director of the Doctoral School
  • Dr hab. Lidia Michalska-Bracha, Prof. UJK, Deputy Director of the Doctoral School
  • Dr hab. Grzegorz Miernik, Prof. UJK, Head of the Humanities Section
  • Dr hab. Alicja Wzorek, Prof. UJK, Head of the Natural and Exact Sciences Section
  • Dr hab. Wioletta Adamus-Białek, Prof. UJK, Head of the Medical and Health Sciences Section
  • Kamila Fortunka, MSc, Chair of the Doctoral Students’ Council

We congratulate all the laureates and wish them success in their scientific careers.